Source code for swagger_spec_compatibility.rules.common

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import typing
from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod
from enum import IntEnum

import typing_extensions
from bravado_core.spec import Spec
from six import iterkeys
from six import itervalues
from six import with_metaclass
from termcolor import colored

from swagger_spec_compatibility.util import wrap

def _read_the_docs_link(rule):
    # type: (typing.Type['RuleProtocol']) -> typing.Text
    return '{code}.html'.format(

[docs]class RuleRegistry(ABCMeta): _REGISTRY = {} # type: typing.MutableMapping[typing.Text, typing.Type['BaseRule']] @classmethod def _validate_class_attributes(mcs, cls): # type: (typing.Type['BaseRule']) -> None assert getattr(cls, 'error_code', None) is not None, 'error_code is a required class attribute for {}'.format(cls) assert getattr(cls, 'short_name', None) is not None, 'short_name is a required class attribute for {}'.format(cls) assert getattr(cls, 'description', None) is not None, 'description is a required class attribute for {}'.format(cls) assert getattr(cls, 'error_level', None) is not None, 'error_level is a required class attribute for {}'.format(cls) assert getattr(cls, 'rule_type', None) is not None, 'rule_type is a required class attribute for {}'.format(cls) @classmethod def _prevent_rule_duplication(mcs, cls): # type: (typing.Type['BaseRule']) -> None assert cls.error_code not in RuleRegistry._REGISTRY, \ 'Rule {} is already defined. Already existing: {} Trying to add: {}'.format( cls.error_code, RuleRegistry._REGISTRY[cls.error_code], cls, ) @classmethod def _prevent_metaclass_usage_from_not_BaseRule_extensions(mcs, cls): # type: (typing.Type) -> None cls_fully_qualified_name = '{}.{}'.format(cls.__module__, cls.__name__) base_rule_fully_qualified_name = '{}.BaseRule'.format(mcs.__module__) assert ( # pragma: no branch cls_fully_qualified_name == base_rule_fully_qualified_name or any(base_rule_fully_qualified_name == '{}.{}'.format(c.__module__, c.__name__) for c in cls.__bases__) ), '{} metaclass should be used only by {}.BaseRule'.format(mcs, mcs.__module__) def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace): # type: (typing.Type['RuleRegistry'], str, typing.Tuple[type, ...], typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> type new_cls = ABCMeta.__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace) # type: typing.Type['BaseRule'] mcs._prevent_metaclass_usage_from_not_BaseRule_extensions(new_cls) if name != 'BaseRule': mcs._validate_class_attributes(new_cls) mcs._prevent_rule_duplication(new_cls) RuleRegistry._REGISTRY[new_cls.error_code] = new_cls return new_cls
[docs] @staticmethod def rule_names(): # type: () -> typing.Iterable[typing.Text] return sorted(iterkeys(RuleRegistry._REGISTRY))
[docs] @staticmethod def rules(): # type: () -> typing.Iterable[typing.Type['BaseRule']] return sorted(itervalues(RuleRegistry._REGISTRY), key=lambda rule: rule.error_code)
[docs] @staticmethod def has_rule(rule_name): # type: (typing.Text) -> bool return rule_name in RuleRegistry._REGISTRY
[docs] @staticmethod def rule(rule_name): # type: (typing.Text) -> typing.Type['BaseRule'] return RuleRegistry._REGISTRY[rule_name]
[docs]class Level(IntEnum): INFO = 0 WARNING = 1 ERROR = 2
[docs]class RuleProtocol(typing_extensions.Protocol): # Unique identifier of the rule error_code = None # type: typing_extensions.ClassVar[typing.Text] # Short name of the rule. This will be visible on CLI in case the rule is triggered short_name = None # type: typing_extensions.ClassVar[typing.Text] # Short description of the rationale of the rule. This will be visible on CLI only. description = None # type: typing_extensions.ClassVar[typing.Text] # Error level associated to the rule error_level = None # type: typing_extensions.ClassVar[Level] # Type of the rule associated rule_type = None # type: typing_extensions.ClassVar[RuleType] # Documentation link documentation_link = None # type: typing_extensions.ClassVar[typing.Optional[typing.Text]]
[docs] @classmethod def validate(cls, left_spec, right_spec): # type: (Spec, Spec) -> typing.Iterable['ValidationMessage'] pass
[docs]class ValidationMessage(typing.NamedTuple( '_ValidationMessage', ( ('level', Level), ('rule', typing.Type[RuleProtocol]), ('reference', typing.Text), ), )):
[docs] def string_representation(self): # type: () -> typing.Text documentation_link = get_rule_documentation_link(self.rule) return '[{error_code}] {short_name}: {reference}{more_info}'.format( error_code=self.rule.error_code, reference=self.reference, short_name=self.rule.short_name, more_info=' (documentation: {})'.format(documentation_link) if documentation_link else '', )
[docs] def json_representation(self): # type: () -> typing.Mapping[typing.Text, typing.Any] return { 'error_code': self.rule.error_code, 'reference': self.reference, 'short_name': self.rule.short_name, 'documentation': get_rule_documentation_link(self.rule), }
[docs]class BaseRule(with_metaclass(RuleRegistry)): # Unique identifier of the rule error_code = None # type: typing_extensions.ClassVar[typing.Text] # Short name of the rule. This will be visible on CLI in case the rule is triggered short_name = None # type: typing_extensions.ClassVar[typing.Text] # Short description of the rationale of the rule. This will be visible on CLI only description = None # type: typing_extensions.ClassVar[typing.Text] # Error level associated to the rule error_level = None # type: typing_extensions.ClassVar[Level] # Type of the rule associated rule_type = None # type: typing_extensions.ClassVar[RuleType] # Documentation link documentation_link = None # type: typing_extensions.ClassVar[typing.Optional[typing.Text]] def __init__(self): # type: () -> None raise RuntimeError('This class should not be initialized. The assumed usage is via class methods.')
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def validate(cls, left_spec, right_spec): # type: (Spec, Spec) -> typing.Iterable[ValidationMessage] pass
[docs] @classmethod def explain(cls): # type: () -> typing.Text documentation_link = get_rule_documentation_link(cls) return '[{error_code}] {short_name}:\n{rule_description}{more_info}'.format( error_code=colored(cls.error_code, attrs=['bold']), short_name=colored(cls.short_name, color='cyan', attrs=['bold']), rule_description=wrap(cls.description, indent='\t'), more_info='\n\nMore info on {}'.format(documentation_link) if documentation_link else '', )
[docs] @classmethod def validation_message(cls, reference): # type: (typing.Text) -> ValidationMessage return ValidationMessage( level=cls.error_level, rule=cls, reference=reference, )