Source code for swagger_spec_compatibility.walkers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import typing
import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain

from bravado_core.spec import Spec
from six import iteritems
from six import iterkeys
from six import text_type
from six.moves import zip_longest

[docs]class NoValue(object): pass
# HTTP verbs as described by _HTTP_OPERATIONS = {'get', 'put', 'post', 'delete', 'options', 'head', 'patch'} T = typing.TypeVar('T') PathType = typing.Tuple[typing.Union[typing.Text, int], ...] NO_VALUE = NoValue()
[docs]def format_path(path): # type: (PathType) -> typing.Text return '#/{}'.format('/'.join(text_type(path_item) for path_item in path))
[docs]class Walker(typing.Generic[T]): """ Generic Walker over two objects. The abstract class strips away the details related to dictionary vs list iterations, path update etc. """ def __init__(self, left, right, **kwargs): # type: (typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any) -> None self.left = left self.right = right self._walk_result = NO_VALUE # type: typing.Union[NoValue, typing.Iterable[T]] self._inner_walk_calls = defaultdict(list) # type: typing.DefaultDict[typing.Tuple[int, ...], typing.List[PathType]] for attr_name, attr_value in iteritems(kwargs): setattr(self, attr_name, attr_value)
[docs] def should_path_be_walked_through(self, path): # type: (PathType) -> bool """ Determine whether to traverse or interrupt traversal of a given path. This method allows Walkers to skip traversal of area of the specs that are "not interesting". This will allow to write simpler methods and to avoid needless traversing of the Specs. """ return True
[docs] @abstractmethod def dict_check( self, path, # type: PathType left_dict, # type: typing.Union[typing.Mapping[typing.Text, typing.Any], NoValue] right_dict, # type: typing.Union[typing.Mapping[typing.Text, typing.Any], NoValue] ): # type: (...) -> typing.Iterable[T] """ Compare the left and right content of path in case both objects are dictionaries. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def list_check( self, path, # type: PathType left_list, # type: typing.Union[typing.Sequence[typing.Any], NoValue] right_list, # type: typing.Union[typing.Sequence[typing.Any], NoValue] ): # type: (...) -> typing.Iterable[T] """ Compare the left and right content of path in case both objects are list. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def value_check( self, path, # type: PathType left_value, # type: typing.Any right_value, # type: typing.Any ): # type: (...) -> typing.Iterable[T] """ Compare the left and right content of path in case the objects have different types or are not dictionaries or lists. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _is_recursive_call(self, path, left, right): # type: (PathType, typing.Any, typing.Any) -> bool """ Determine if the current objects are already been traversed. Swagger specification could contain recursive definitions and references. Due to the fact that we fully dereference the specs then there will be no good wait to know if we've already visited the given objects other than using their ids. """ cache_key = (id(left), id(right)) if cache_key in self._inner_walk_calls and any( path[:len(known_path)] == known_path for known_path in self._inner_walk_calls[cache_key] ): # Deal with recursive objects return True self._inner_walk_calls[cache_key].append(path) return False def _inner_walk(self, path, left, right): # type: (PathType, typing.Any, typing.Any) -> typing.Iterable[T] """ Fully traverse the left and right objects. The traversal will short-circuit in case: * a given path should not be traversed * the path has already been traversed (recursive definition) """ if not self.should_path_be_walked_through(path) or self._is_recursive_call(path, left, right): return () if isinstance(left, dict) and isinstance(right, dict): return chain( self.dict_check(path, left, right), ( value for key in set(chain(iterkeys(left), iterkeys(right))) for value in self._inner_walk( path=tuple(chain(path, [key])), left=left.get(key, NO_VALUE), right=right.get(key, NO_VALUE), ) ), ) elif isinstance(left, list) and isinstance(right, list): return chain( self.list_check(path, left, right), ( value for index, (left_item, right_item) in enumerate(zip_longest(left, right, fillvalue=NO_VALUE)) for value in self._inner_walk( path=tuple(chain(path, [index])), left=left_item, right=right_item, ) ), ) else: return self.value_check(path, left, right)
[docs] def walk(self): # type: () -> typing.Iterable[T] """ Fully traverse the left and right objects. NOTE: the traversing is internally cached such that all the subsequent calls to `walk()` are equivalent to an attribute access """ if isinstance(self._walk_result, NoValue): # pragma: no branch self._walk_result = list(self._inner_walk( path=tuple(), left=self.left, right=self.right, )) return self._walk_result
[docs]class SchemaWalker(Walker[T]): """ Walker aware of how a Swagger schema looks like. The main difference between this walker and Walker is that this walker keeps in consideration some peculiarity of the swagger specs. The walker implementation should never worry about dereferencing as the traversing is performed on the fully flattened and dereferenced specs """ def __init__(self, left_spec, right_spec, **kwargs): # type: (Spec, Spec, typing.Any) -> None super(SchemaWalker, self).__init__( left=left_spec.deref_flattened_spec, right=right_spec.deref_flattened_spec, left_spec=left_spec, right_spec=right_spec, **kwargs ) def _is_path_a_parameter_list_location(self, path): # type: (PathType) -> bool """ Check if the given path is compatible with a path that contains the list of parameters of an operation object. The possible locations are: 1) /paths/<endpoint path>/parameters 2) /paths/<endpoint path>/<http verb>/parameters """ if len(path) == 3 and path[0] == 'paths' and path[2] == 'parameters': return True elif len(path) == 4 and path[0] == 'paths' and path[2] in _HTTP_OPERATIONS and path[3] == 'parameters': return True return False def _get_original_parameter_path(self, path, parameters_index): # type: (PathType, typing.Mapping[typing.Text, int]) -> PathType try: # Ignoring type as path[-1] could be an integer which is not expected for parameters_index # it's not really a big deal as it should not happen and if this happens then KeyError will be thrown return tuple(chain(path[:-1], [parameters_index[path[-1]]])) # type: ignore except KeyError: # This could happen only if the parameter was present only on the old specs # or if the path was actually not "modified" by the walker (NOTE: the later condition should not be possible) # but let's do it so mypy is happy too return path
[docs] def fix_parameter_path(self, path, original_path, value): # type: (PathType, PathType, T) -> T """ Fix an eventual path present on the value returned by the walker. The SwaggerAwareWalker modifies the indexing approach used for parameters due to the fact that parameters are defined as arrays and modifying their order would not change the semantic. """ try: # ignoring type as we're exploiting duck typing and is not easy to validate the protocol at run time return value.fix_parameter_path(path=path, original_path=original_path) # type: ignore except TypeError as type_error: warnings.warn( str('Unexpected {}.fix_parameter_path signature. {}'.format( value.__class__.__name__, type_error, )), category=RuntimeWarning, ) except AttributeError: # Ignore such exception as it means that value does not implement fix_parameter_path method pass return value
def _inner_walk(self, path, left, right): # type: (PathType, typing.Any, typing.Any) -> typing.Iterable[T] if self._is_path_a_parameter_list_location(path): left_parameters_map = {} if left is NO_VALUE else {parameter['name']: parameter for parameter in left} right_parameters_map = {} if right is NO_VALUE else {parameter['name']: parameter for parameter in right} parameters_index = {} if right is NO_VALUE else {parameter['name']: index for index, parameter in enumerate(right)} return ( self.fix_parameter_path( path=new_path, original_path=self._get_original_parameter_path(new_path, parameters_index), value=value, ) for key in set(chain(iterkeys(left_parameters_map), iterkeys(right_parameters_map))) for new_path in (tuple(chain(path, [key])), ) # Small trick to allow variable definition in generator-comprehension for value in self._inner_walk( path=tuple(chain(path, [key])), left=left_parameters_map.get(key, NO_VALUE), right=right_parameters_map.get(key, NO_VALUE), ) ) else: return super(SchemaWalker, self)._inner_walk(path=path, left=left, right=right)