Source code for swagger_spec_compatibility.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import typing
from textwrap import TextWrapper

from swagger_spec_compatibility.walkers import PathType

T = typing.TypeVar('T')

[docs]def wrap(text, width=120, indent=''): # type: (typing.Text, int, typing.Text) -> typing.Text wrapper = TextWrapper( expand_tabs=False, replace_whitespace=False, break_long_words=False, width=width, initial_indent=str(indent), subsequent_indent=str(indent), ) return '\n'.join('\n'.join(wrapper.wrap(line)) for line in text.splitlines())
[docs]class EntityMapping(typing.Generic[T]): __slots__ = ('_old', '_new') def __init__(self, old, new): # type: (T, T) -> None self._old = old self._new = new @property # Property needed as temporary workaround to generic named tuples ( def old(self): # type: () -> T return self._old @property # Property needed as temporary workaround to generic named tuples ( def new(self): # type: () -> T return self._new def __iter__(self): # type: () -> typing.Generator[T, None, None] yield self.old yield def __hash__(self): # type: () -> int return hash((hash(self._old), hash(self._new))) def __eq__(self, other): # type: (typing.Any) -> bool return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self._old == other._old and self._new == other._new def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str return str('{}(old={}, new={})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.old,, )) # pragma: no cover # This statement is present only to have a nicer REPL experience # noqa
[docs]def is_path_in_top_level_paths(top_level_paths, path): # type: (typing.Iterable[PathType], PathType) -> bool return any( path[:len(acceptable_path)] == acceptable_path for acceptable_path in top_level_paths )