Source code for swagger_spec_compatibility.rules.changed_type

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import typing

from bravado_core.spec import Spec

from swagger_spec_compatibility.rules.common import BaseRule
from swagger_spec_compatibility.rules.common import Level
from swagger_spec_compatibility.rules.common import RuleType
from swagger_spec_compatibility.rules.common import ValidationMessage
from swagger_spec_compatibility.util import is_path_in_top_level_paths
from swagger_spec_compatibility.walkers import format_path
from swagger_spec_compatibility.walkers.changed_types import ChangedTypesDifferWalker
from swagger_spec_compatibility.walkers.request_parameters import RequestParametersWalker
from swagger_spec_compatibility.walkers.response_paths import ResponsePathsWalker

[docs]class ChangedType(BaseRule): description = 'Changing the type of a field is not backward compatible as a client using "old" Swagger specs will ' \ 'send the field with a different type leading the service to fail to validate the request. ' \ 'On the other end, if the object containing the updated field is used in the response, ' \ 'it will lead to unexpected client errors when parsing the response and/or using ' \ 'the updated property.' error_code = 'MIS-E002' error_level = Level.ERROR rule_type = RuleType.MISCELLANEOUS short_name = 'Changed type'
[docs] @classmethod def validate(cls, left_spec, right_spec): # type: (Spec, Spec) -> typing.Iterable[ValidationMessage] request_parameter_paths = RequestParametersWalker(left_spec, right_spec).walk() response_paths = ResponsePathsWalker(left_spec, right_spec).walk() for changed_types_diff in ChangedTypesDifferWalker(left_spec, right_spec).walk(): if ( not is_path_in_top_level_paths(request_parameter_paths, changed_types_diff.path) and not is_path_in_top_level_paths(response_paths, changed_types_diff.path) ): continue yield cls.validation_message(format_path(changed_types_diff.path))