Source code for swagger_spec_compatibility.cli.common

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import argparse
import os
import typing
import warnings
from argparse import ArgumentTypeError
from importlib import import_module
from os.path import abspath
from os.path import exists
from os.path import expanduser
from os.path import expandvars

import typing_extensions
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit
from six.moves.urllib.request import pathname2url
from six.moves.urllib.request import url2pathname
from venusian import Scanner

from swagger_spec_compatibility.rules.common import BaseRule
from swagger_spec_compatibility.rules.common import RuleRegistry


[docs]class CLIProtocol(typing_extensions.Protocol): command = None # type: typing.Text func = None # type: typing.Callable[['CLIProtocol'], int]
[docs]class CLIRulesProtocol(typing_extensions.Protocol): rules = None # type: typing.Iterable[typing.Text] blacklist_rules = None # type: typing.Iterable[typing.Text]
[docs]def uri(param): # type: (str) -> str if urlsplit(param).scheme: return param path = expanduser(expandvars(url2pathname(param))) if exists(path): return urljoin('file:', pathname2url(abspath(path))) raise ArgumentTypeError('`{param}` is not an existing file and either a valid URI'.format(param=param))
[docs]def cli_rules(): # type: () -> typing.List[typing.Text] return list(RuleRegistry.rule_names())
[docs]def rules(cli_args): # type: (CLIRulesProtocol) -> typing.Set[typing.Type[BaseRule]] return { RuleRegistry.rule(rule_name) for rule_name in cli_args.rules # The parser defines rules and blacklist_rules as mutual exclusive # so we're guaranteed to have at least one set to it's default value if rule_name not in cli_args.blacklist_rules }
def _get_rule_discovery_from_env(): # type: () -> typing.List[typing.Text] return [ value for value in ( part.strip() for part in os.environ.get(_ENV_VARIABLE, '').split(',') ) if value ]
[docs]def add_rule_discovery_argument(argument_parser): # type: (argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None argument_parser.add_argument( '-d', '--discover-rules-from', action='append', default=[_get_rule_discovery_from_env()], dest='packages_to_discover_rules_from', help='Non-standard packages to load rules from. ' 'The values can be defined as CSV in the {} ' 'environmental variable'.format(_ENV_VARIABLE), nargs='+', )
[docs]def pre_process_cli_to_discover_rules(argv=None): # type: (typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Text]]) -> None scanner = Scanner() rule_discovery_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) add_rule_discovery_argument(rule_discovery_parser) rule_discovery_args, _ = rule_discovery_parser.parse_known_args(argv) for packages in (rule_discovery_args.packages_to_discover_rules_from or []): for package in packages: try: scanner.scan(import_module(package)) except ImportError: warnings.warn( RuntimeWarning('\'{}\' module, specified via the rule discovery CLI, is not found. Ignoring it.'.format(package)), )
[docs]def add_rules_arguments(argument_parser): # type: (argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None rules = cli_rules() if not rules: raise argument_parser.error('No rules are defined.') add_rule_discovery_argument(argument_parser) mutex_group = argument_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() mutex_group.add_argument( '-r', '--rules', action='append', choices=rules, dest='rules', help='Rules to apply for compatibility detection. (default: [%(choices)s])', metavar='RULE', nargs='+', ) mutex_group.add_argument( '-b', '--blacklist-rules', action='append', choices=rules, dest='blacklist_rules', help='Rules to ignore for compatibility detection. (By default no rules are blacklisted)', metavar='RULE', nargs='+', )
[docs]def post_process_rules_cli_arguments(args): # type: (argparse.Namespace) -> argparse.Namespace def _extract_rules(field, default_value): # type: (typing.Text, typing.Iterable[typing.Text]) -> None if hasattr(args, field): # pragma: no branch if getattr(args, field): setattr( args, field, list({rule for rules in getattr(args, field) for rule in rules}), ) else: setattr(args, field, default_value) _extract_rules('rules', cli_rules()) _extract_rules('blacklist_rules', []) return args